St Merovar
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Saint Merovar was a famous artisan of the city, and the founder of the Guild of Masons and Stonecutters. His great task was the reconstruction of the city walls following a ruinous siege, and he is said to have enlisted the supernatural aid of the original builders to aid him in this feat. The order founded in his name has an overt rivalry with the ancient common religion associated with these legendary entities, the Seven City Builders, but has had only modest success in its attempts to eradicate this pagan practice.

Commonly known as the Masons, the members of this monastic order have more to do with the mundane world than their brethren in the orders of St Urdin and St Errolan, but they take similar vows of chastity and poverty. Taking their calling from the teachings of their parent sect, the Church of the Architect, the monks view the city as an eloquent articulation of the Divine Will, and its constant and harmonious maintenance is the core of their ministry.

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Church of the Architect






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Updated: 10 September 2005 XHTML CSS