This church shares the Stygian doctrines of the other churches of the Ecumenical Communion of Syran. Congregations are found throughout Sentanos, including a popular one within Syran. They worship Ralia, the traditional land goddess of Ralios, alongside the Invisible God as one of the Lords Temporal. Her acknowledged dominion is agriculture, and the cultivation of wheat in particular.

Liturgists use the Good Earth Scriptures in conjunction with the familiar Abiding Book during services, and most worshippers are content with the weekly blessings that this provides. Dedicated members of the congregations may also participate in worship of Ralia as described in the Lords Temporal common religion. This gives them access to the Common Magic abilities listed in Other Magic below.


Bake Bread, Harvest Wheat




Abiding Book

See Heroquest p159.

Good Earth Scriptures:

Common Blessings: Bless Bread, Fertile Fields
Special Blessings: Bless Mill, Bless Oven, Bless Plough
Curses: Curse Idler, Curse Wastrel

Other Magic


Drive Out Vermin, Preserve Grain, Protect Fields, Shrivel Weeds


Make Beeer, Strong Back, Tireless Labour, Weatherwise
Updated: 11 April 2005 XHTML CSS