Dear student,

I am pleased to inform you that you, along with some of your more capable peers, have been chosen to take part in a new and exciting academic venture.

During Spring Term you will be joined in a series of special lessons by students from the other three Schools in Syran and masters from these schools will be working alongside your customary teachers to take those lessons. The headmaster and I hope that this collaboration will give you and the other lucky students a broader education in wizardry and that it will help to foster a spirit of cooperation and goodwill between the schools.

You will, of course, continue to work on your personal magical development with your assigned master and for some subjects you will continue to join the normal Imperial College lessons. Your progress and the progress of the other students taking part in this experiment will of course be closely monitored, so that we can properly assess its benefits.

If this exciting new undertaking is a deemed a success, as I am certain that it will, then the new arrangements may continue beyond Spring Term and may even be extended to incorporate all of your fellow students. I hope that you will give this historic venture your full support and I look forward to teaching you and your new friends in the very near future.

Yours faithfully,

Father Emoliant
Imperial College Liturgist

Updated: 07 October 2006 XHTML CSS