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The links on this page are the result of searching for "Kralorela" in the archive of the Glorantha Digest mailing list (12 Oct 2003).

Other Ogres. David Cake (03 July 2002)
Dara Happan HQ and Add of Items for Dragon List of Glorantha "TERRA INCOGNITA" (23 June 2002)
Tiger Sons Peter Metcalfe (21 June 2002)
Re: Tiger Sons Trotsky (21 June 2002)
Tiger Sons Alex Ferguson (21 June 2002)
Re: Tiger Sons Chris Lemens (21 June 2002)
Tiger Sons Richard Crawley (20 June 2002)
Enlightenment vs. Liberation... Alex Ferguson (07 June 2002)
Kralori mysticism and useless discussions. Alex Ferguson (06 June 2002)
Re: Mysticism and Ages Nils Weinander (05 June 2002)
Re: Celestial court Alex Ferguson (22 May 2002)
HQ, Stars Greg Stafford (23 April 2002)
Re: Glorantha digest, Vol 9 #65 - 4 msgs Greg Stafford (23 April 2002)
Origin of Astrology "TERRA INCOGNITA" (23 April 2002)
Rice. Alex Ferguson (29 March 2002)
rice Tadaaki Kakegawa (28 March 2002)
Analog Errors Greg Stafford (28 March 2002)
Corn and spuds for tea? Alex Ferguson (18 March 2002)
Re: The Mighty Spud Trotsky (16 March 2002)
Re: Potatoes Peter Larsen (15 March 2002)
Re: Heortling Kingship "Joerg Baumgartner" (22 February 2002)
Mythology of Vanch "TERRA INCOGNITA" (12 January 2002)
ShangHsa Peter Metcalfe (27 December 2001)
Re: Godunya and the EWF (24 December 2001)
ShangHsa and Godunya "TERRA INCOGNITA" (23 December 2001)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V8 #635 Peter Larsen (23 December 2001)
EWF Peter Metcalfe (19 December 2001)
EWF Peter Larsen (19 December 2001)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V8 #630 Nils Weinander (19 December 2001)
Re: Third Council mysticism Peter Larsen (17 December 2001)
Emperor Vayobi "TERRA INCOGNITA" (09 November 2001)
Hidden Mythologies in Anaxial Roster "TERRA INCOGNITA" (05 November 2001)
Re: Hidden Mythologies in Anaxial's Roster (04 November 2001)
Kralori and Dragonewts Peter Metcalfe (04 October 2001)
From Japanese GTA Questions "TERRA INCOGNITA" (23 September 2001)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V8 #536 "Oliver Bernuetz" (18 September 2001)
Tolat's fertility Peter Metcalfe (17 September 2001)
The Dawn. Alex Ferguson (07 September 2001)
Vithelan cosmology Peter Metcalfe (07 September 2001)
The Arming of Orlanth "Terra Incognita" (06 September 2001)
Re: Great Gods & High Gods & Vithelan Gods Alex Ferguson (03 September 2001)
Great Gods Peter Metcalfe (03 September 2001)
Great Gods & High Gods & Vithelan Gods Nils Weinander (03 September 2001)
Goodness Gracious! Great Gods of Glorantha (02 September 2001)
Cold War in Imperial Age, Similarity and Difference of Grazers and CharUns "Terra Incognita" (02 September 2001)
Re: God Learners David Dunham (31 August 2001)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V8 #503 "Blatt Barry" (30 August 2001)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V8 #466 Gianfranco Geroldi (23 July 2001)
Navigation "Jerome Blondel" (03 July 2001)
[none] =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Topi_Pitk=E4nen?= (03 July 2001)
Dragonlook Gianfranco Geroldi (18 June 2001)
Transcendental "realm" David Cake (15 June 2001)
Bio-/mythology Mikko Rintasaari (12 June 2001)
Re: 'merkin creatures (11 June 2001)
About Pentan Setting, Pentan Horse Clan Example (5) "TERRA INCOGNITA" (23 May 2001)
Pentans Peter Metcalfe (19 May 2001)
Pentan Horse Clan Example (4) "TERRA INCOGNITA" (18 May 2001)
Pentan Horse Clan Example (3) "TERRA INCOGNITA" (16 May 2001)
Pentan Horse Clan Example (2) "TERRA INCOGNITA" (16 May 2001)
Pentan Horse Clan Example (1) "TERRA INCOGNITA" (12 May 2001)
Re: Mostly literacy Alex Ferguson (11 May 2001)
Seleric Vendettas. Alex Ferguson (03 May 2001)
Many Mistakes "TERRA INCOGNITA" (15 April 2001)
Last Plant God of Jerusalem "TERRA INCOGNITA" (14 April 2001)
Orlanth, Dragons and mixed stuff Olli Kantola (20 March 2001)
Horses & Human Society of Pent "TERRA INCOGNITA" (17 March 2001)
Umathelans, Wenelians, Godlearners "Jerome Blondel" (15 March 2001)
Great Darkness / Reign of Avanapdur "TERRA INCOGNITA" (26 February 2001)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V8 #267 "Coridan" (19 February 2001)
Re: Sun & Immortality Nils Weinander (18 February 2001)
Re: Sun & Immortality "TERRA INCOGNITA" (15 February 2001)
Eastern sun and mortality Nils Weinander (14 February 2001)
Emperor Thalurzni (4) "TERRA INCOGNITA" (13 February 2001)
Korgatsu "TERRA INCOGNITA" (08 February 2001)
Emperor Thalurzni (3) & World Dragon Korgatsu "TERRA INCOGNITA" (07 February 2001)
literacy David Cake (02 February 2001)
Reading and Writing Peter Metcalfe (02 February 2001)
Mostly literacy Peter Larsen (01 February 2001)
Lhankor Mhy and literacy David Cake (01 February 2001)
Emperor Thalurzni(2) "TERRA INCOGNITA" (30 January 2001)
Gloranthan Literacy Peter Larsen (29 January 2001)
Cycle of Human Life "TERRA INCOGNITA" (24 January 2001)
EWF Peter Metcalfe (23 January 2001)
Re: Lost Mail of Digest Nils Weinander (22 January 2001)
Lost Mail of Digest "TERRA INCOGNITA" (20 January 2001)
(no subject) (20 January 2001)
Emperor Thalurzni(1) "TERRA INCOGNITA" (01 January 2001)
Kralorela Peter Metcalfe (21 December 2000)
Kralorelan Emperors and Heros / Pentan Concept "TERRA INCOGNITA" (21 December 2000)
Bronze age silliness. Peter Metcalfe (17 December 2000)
G and Earth disparity, and the confusing Adept Mikko Rintasaari (15 December 2000)
Glorantha (15 December 2000)
Chinise bronze age Mikko Rintasaari (14 December 2000)
Kralori technology Peter Metcalfe (13 December 2000)
Re: Kralori swords=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCISEbKEI=?= and Dojinshi Tadaaki Kakegawa (13 December 2000)
Kralori and Scimitars Peter Metcalfe (13 December 2000)
Kralori swords "Probst, Bruce [IBM GSA]" (13 December 2000)
Appearance Mikko Rintasaari (13 December 2000)
Utuma Peter Metcalfe (04 December 2000)
Re: Another take on the Closing Nils Weinander (30 November 2000)
bureau-rats Mikko Rintasaari (30 November 2000)
Kralori propoganda Peter Metcalfe (29 November 2000)
Re: polite (28 November 2000)
Re: Heroic Tax Collectors Henrix (28 November 2000)
Another take on the Closing Jonas Schi=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=f6tt?= (28 November 2000)
Re: Mystic Otherworld Alex Ferguson (13 October 2000)
mystic otherworld David Cake (13 October 2000)
Re: Mystic Otherworld Nils Weinander (12 October 2000)
Re: mystic otherworlds Alex Ferguson (10 October 2000)
mystic otherworlds David Cake (10 October 2000)
Re: Foolishly entering the Glor Weather discussion Alex Ferguson (03 October 2000)
Foolishly entering the Glor Weather discussion Steve Lieb (02 October 2000)
Kralorela Peter Metcalfe (29 August 2000)
Harrek the Archeologist "TERRA INCOGNITA" (11 August 2000)
Desert Trackers =?iso-8859-1?q?Ian=20Cooper?= (04 August 2000)
Prax/Kralorela trade. Alex Ferguson (04 August 2000)
Re: Desert Trackers Alex Ferguson (04 August 2000)
Re: Desert Trackers Andreas Mueller (03 August 2000)
A low blow to Western Logographers? Alex Ferguson (01 August 2000)
Re: Desert Trackers Neil Smith (01 August 2000)
Re: Kralori questions Alex Ferguson (01 August 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #782 "Oliver Bernuetz" (26 July 2000)
Re: [RQ-RULES] Mostali / Bronze-Age Glorantha "Trent Smith" (25 July 2000)
New Many Questions :Too Many Cooks? "TERRA INCOGNITA" (23 July 2000)
Eye of Secret "TERRA INCOGNITA" (15 July 2000)
Organised Crime Dr Mark Galeotti (13 July 2000)
Re: Dragons, and not really Giants. (13 July 2000)
Re: Giant magic Alex Ferguson (12 July 2000)
Re: Giant magic (10 July 2000)
Knight Hrestol "TERRA INCOGNITA" (10 July 2000)
Re: Worlds (07 July 2000)
Re: Worlds Alex Ferguson (07 July 2000)
Alchemy "TERRA INCOGNITA" (04 July 2000)
Draconism Peter Metcalfe (30 June 2000)
Re: Dragons and the mystical world Alex Ferguson (29 June 2000)
Out of Order "TERRA INCOGNITA" (27 June 2000)
Re: 4th age Alex Ferguson (20 June 2000)
4th age Mikko Rintasaari (20 June 2000)
Re: Phoenix Nils Weinander (16 June 2000)
Re: Phoenix Alex Ferguson (15 June 2000)
Re: Phoenix Nils Weinander (15 June 2000)
Phoenix & Dragon "Nick Brooke" (15 June 2000)
Re: Blue Llamas Alex Ferguson (14 June 2000)
Phoenix (14 June 2000)
Dragon and Phoenix Nils Weinander (14 June 2000)
Blue Llamas "Nick Brooke" (14 June 2000)
Kralori and the Reaching Moon "Nick Brooke" (13 June 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #705 "Simon Bray" (12 June 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #701 David Cake (09 June 2000)
Re: Kralori Emperor Nils Weinander (09 June 2000)
Wealth and More Orthopraxy "Thomas McVey" (09 June 2000)
Hello and Roar (07 June 2000)
Re: Kralori Emperor Alex Ferguson (03 June 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #677 Nils Weinander (29 May 2000)
Re: survey; aldryami metal David Dunham (27 May 2000)
Praxpak redux "Danny Mr" (27 May 2000)
Packs on the Fast Track (27 May 2000)
PRAX etc. "Guy Hoyle" (27 May 2000)
Splendid Emperor (27 May 2000)
Re: Kralori Emperor Nils Weinander (26 May 2000)
Re: Issaries in Prax Guillaume Lussier (25 May 2000)
Re: Issaries in Prax Alex Ferguson (24 May 2000)
beer and Prax and more Prax "Karin Goihl & Daniel Fahey" (24 May 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #664 "Roderick and Ellen Robertson" (23 May 2000)
Issaries in Prax "Nick Brooke" (23 May 2000)
Re: Cultural Events of Mythological Worldwide Alex Ferguson (21 May 2000)
Cultural Events of Mythological Worldwide "TERRA INCOGNITA" (21 May 2000)
Moonson, and Dragon Emperor. Alex Ferguson (19 May 2000)
Re: Avoid the Void Alex Ferguson (19 May 2000)
Avoid the Void Nils Weinander (06 May 2000)
takenegi/moonson's ever incarnating self "Loren Miller" (05 May 2000)
Archexarch MOB (03 May 2000)
Re: Archexarch Alex Ferguson (03 May 2000)
Re: ArchExarch Alex Ferguson (03 May 2000)
Re: Kralorela Alex Ferguson (03 May 2000)
re: why corfly why sartar Olli-Pekka Kantola (02 May 2000)
Lunars & Sea Port James Frusetta (02 May 2000)
ArchExarch MOB (29 April 2000)
Blank Lands Peter Metcalfe (29 April 2000)
Red Emperor and Parts Peter Metcalfe (29 April 2000)
Blank Lands David Cake (29 April 2000)
Kralorela David Cake (29 April 2000)
Interesting Kralorela Peter Metcalfe (28 April 2000)
This unworthy worm is utterly grateful (28 April 2000)
Re: Kralorela has no interesting times! Alex Ferguson (28 April 2000)
Empires and Emperors David Cake (27 April 2000)
Kralorela has no interesting times! (27 April 2000)
Re: Red Emperor Alex Ferguson (25 April 2000)
Most Hated Aeolians Peter Metcalfe (22 April 2000)
Most Hated Joerg Baumgartner (20 April 2000)
Re: Publications Alex Ferguson (20 April 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #555 "Jean Pierre SAPIN" (16 April 2000)
Malkioni Fanaticism/ Wargod Mithra "TERRA INCOGNITA" (16 April 2000)
Horny Dragons Joerg Baumgartner (14 April 2000)
Re: Perceptions of other gods Alex Ferguson (14 April 2000)
Re: Scary Scaly Sex Alex Ferguson (13 April 2000)
Re: Ruling the Empire Alex Ferguson (13 April 2000)
Proxies, Emperor (13 April 2000)
Kralorelan Dinosaurs (13 April 2000)
Scary Scaly Sex Joerg Baumgartner (12 April 2000)
RE: Explaining other magics Richard Develyn (12 April 2000)
Re: Bear with me (12 April 2000)
Fortification & Raid (11 April 2000)
Elemental & Malkionism "TERRA INCOGNITA" (10 April 2000)
Re: The Void Alex Ferguson (06 April 2000)
SunZu Strategism "Gian Gero" (05 April 2000)
metaphysics Peter Metcalfe (03 April 2000)
Temujin / AgartuSay "TERRA INCOGNITA" (31 March 2000)
HeroQuest & AntiHeroQuest "TERRA INCOGNITA" (20 March 2000)
Blue Moon Duchy Peter Metcalfe (15 March 2000)
Kralorela and Kingdom of Ignorance "Gian Gero" (09 March 2000)
Re: chinese imperialism Alex Ferguson (09 March 2000)
Bliss in Ignorance and Tibet Peter Metcalfe (08 March 2000)
chinese imperialism "TERRA INCOGNITA" (07 March 2000)
Kralorelan analogues. Alex Ferguson (06 March 2000)
Re: white rabbit Nils Weinander (06 March 2000)
RE: The Glorantha Digest V7 #442 "TERRA INCOGNITA" (04 March 2000)
terra on Kralorela David Cake (03 March 2000)
white rabbit "TERRA INCOGNITA" (02 March 2000)
Re: the wheel turns, argument reincarnate Alex Ferguson (29 February 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #421 "Simon Bray" (26 February 2000)
The Official Expert Digest? Alex Ferguson (26 February 2000)
DHn sexcapades | Orlanthi lurrve | Prax Theo Posselt (25 February 2000)
Kralori state Peter Metcalfe (24 February 2000)
kralori state David Cake (24 February 2000)
Kralori Trade Peter Metcalfe (23 February 2000)
unsubscrible (23 February 2000)
Gender and sexuality Theo Posselt (22 February 2000)
Gender and sexuality Theo Posselt (21 February 2000)
Kralorelan trade Nils Weinander (20 February 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #402 Joerg Baumgartner (20 February 2000)
Re: traitorous traders Alex Ferguson (18 February 2000)
traitorous traders Theo Posselt (18 February 2000)
Re: Gloranthan Trade Joerg Baumgartner (17 February 2000)
Gloranthan Trade Peter Metcalfe (17 February 2000)
Thanatar Peter Metcalfe (17 February 2000)
Re: Analogues and accessibility Alex Ferguson (16 February 2000)
Kralori matters Peter Metcalfe (16 February 2000)
Location of ITCs Peter Metcalfe (16 February 2000)
Analogues and accessibility (16 February 2000)
Re: Ana and accs (HW List) "KYER, JEFFREY" (16 February 2000)
torture nearly ended, but still frenzying David Cake (16 February 2000)
The Kralorelan State. Alex Ferguson (15 February 2000)
Re: martial arts Alex Ferguson (15 February 2000)
Instant Torture Peter Metcalfe (15 February 2000)
Re: Instant Torture Camps Alex Ferguson (15 February 2000)
Re: Instant Torture Camps Nils Weinander (15 February 2000)
Eastern Calender Peter Metcalfe (14 February 2000)
Instant Torture Peter Metcalfe (14 February 2000)
Instant torture. Peter Metcalfe (14 February 2000)
Sheng and the camps (14 February 2000)
prolonged torture David Cake (14 February 2000)
getting to be rather time consuming torture David Cake (14 February 2000)
Re: East Isle Calendars Nils Weinander (13 February 2000)
Instant Torture Peter Metcalfe (12 February 2000)
The Greatest Humakti There Ever Was... Was Also the Greatest General There Ever Was !?! "Christoph Kohring" (12 February 2000)
Kralori authoritarianism Peter Metcalfe (11 February 2000)
Instant Torture Peter Metcalfe (11 February 2000)
Help, help, I'm being repressed. Alex Ferguson (11 February 2000)
baraka / sea people "TERRA INCOGNITA" (10 February 2000)
Instant Torture David Cake (10 February 2000)
More instant torture Peter Metcalfe (10 February 2000)
East Isle Calendars Peter Metcalfe (10 February 2000)
Oppression and Kralorela (10 February 2000)
Instant Torture Peter Metcalfe (10 February 2000)
wuxia David Cake (10 February 2000)
draconic stuff again David Cake (10 February 2000)
instant torture David Cake (10 February 2000)
Instant Torture Peter Metcalfe (09 February 2000)
Re: Instant Torture Alex Ferguson (09 February 2000)
Instant torture (09 February 2000)
Instant torture (09 February 2000)
Darudism David Cake (09 February 2000)
Eastern calendars Nils Weinander (09 February 2000)
Re: Darudism Alex Ferguson (09 February 2000)
Sheng Seleris Peter Metcalfe (08 February 2000)
Darudism David Cake (08 February 2000)
Cast /Samsara "TERRA INCOGNITA" (08 February 2000)
State Religion "TERRA INCOGNITA" (06 February 2000)
alchemic Draconic Transformation "TERRA INCOGNITA" (06 February 2000)
Eunuchs Peter Metcalfe (05 February 2000)
Kralori Succession Peter Metcalfe (05 February 2000)
Draconic Calendar Peter Metcalfe (05 February 2000)
Defining Darudism Peter Metcalfe (05 February 2000)
eunuch "TERRA INCOGNITA" (05 February 2000)
how many can you have wives? "TERRA INCOGNITA" (05 February 2000)
Re: Emperor Thalurzuni Alex Ferguson (04 February 2000)
Re: What is Dragon? Alex Ferguson (04 February 2000)
Re: Darudism Alex Ferguson (04 February 2000)
What is Dragon? "TERRA INCOGNITA" (04 February 2000)
Re : Darudism (04 February 2000)
Re: Dragon / Short Heroquesting Alex Ferguson (03 February 2000)
Eastern Mysticism Peter Metcalfe (03 February 2000)
Re: Draconic difference (03 February 2000)
Dragon / Short Heroquesting "TERRA INCOGNITA" (03 February 2000)
Monocosmogenesis Peter Metcalfe (03 February 2000)
Dragons all the way down... Peter Metcalfe (03 February 2000)
Dragonation. Alex Ferguson (02 February 2000)
Daily Darudic Discourse, Dave-wise. Alex Ferguson (02 February 2000)
Kralori David Cake (02 February 2000)
Dragonic Nation "TERRA INCOGNITA" (02 February 2000)
Kralori Zombies "D. Pearton" (02 February 2000)
Daruda and Draconism Peter Metcalfe (02 February 2000)
Kralori zombies Peter Metcalfe (02 February 2000)
mystical materialism "TERRA INCOGNITA" (02 February 2000)
Re: Darudan draconism Alex Ferguson (01 February 2000)
Re: Kralorelan zombies Alex Ferguson (01 February 2000)
Kralorelan zombies David Cake (01 February 2000)
Kralori sorcery Peter Metcalfe (31 January 2000)
Re: Sorcery in Kralorela Alex Ferguson (31 January 2000)
False Dragon Kralorela? Alex Ferguson (31 January 2000)
Eastern leaks Nils Weinander (30 January 2000)
You have not seen the last of Fu Manchu! (30 January 2000)
Re: Sorcery in Kralorela Dave Cake (30 January 2000)
Emperor Thalurzuni / More Fronelan confusion "TERRA INCOGNITA" (29 January 2000)
Kralorela. Alex Ferguson (28 January 2000)
hsunchen martial arts Peter Metcalfe (28 January 2000)
Kralorela again. Dave Cake (28 January 2000)
martial arts of Kralorela "TERRA INCOGNITA" (27 January 2000)
Draconism Peter Metcalfe (27 January 2000)
Re: Hsunchen, dracons, Kralorelans Alex Ferguson (27 January 2000)
metalsmith / Kralorela "TERRA INCOGNITA" (27 January 2000)
Eagle Claw vs Snake Fist, Farming is Dull? "Gary R Switzer" (27 January 2000)
Re: Kralorelan sorcery Nils Weinander (27 January 2000)
Hsunchen, dracons, Kralorelans Dave Cake (27 January 2000)
Sorcery in Kralorela Peter Metcalfe (27 January 2000)
Re: Martalak in Vormain Alex Ferguson (26 January 2000)
Hsunchen in Kralorela Peter Metcalfe (25 January 2000)
Re: Mixed mainfest mysticism Nils Weinander (25 January 2000)
Re: mixed, manifest, martial, and mystic Alex Ferguson (25 January 2000)
mixed, manifest, martial, and mystic Dave Cake (25 January 2000)
Re: Magic Alex Ferguson (24 January 2000)
Re: Moo (22 January 2000)
Re: thanes; Heros of Gbaji War; moo David Dunham (21 January 2000)
heros of gbaji war / how often do you eat beef? "TERRA INCOGNITA" (21 January 2000)
Pamaltelan cows "D. Pearton" (21 January 2000)
Moo (21 January 2000)
GoodGuy-BadGuy "KYER, JEFFREY" (21 January 2000)
Foreign RQers have a soul "Gian Gero" (20 January 2000)
heroquest in gathering unconsciousness "TERRA INCOGNITA" (19 January 2000)
re: World-Building Lessons I Learned from Glorantha Alex Ferguson (19 January 2000)
Wizards Peter Metcalfe (18 January 2000)
Sorcerer Heretics of Valkaro. (16 January 2000)
Re: Valkaro Nils Weinander (15 January 2000)
Valkaro Peter Metcalfe (15 January 2000)
Re: Why things fly Alex Ferguson (15 January 2000)
Pent Peter Metcalfe (11 January 2000)
pentan gods "TERRA INCOGNITA" (10 January 2000)
Re: Magic Nils Weinander (10 January 2000)
Re: Gone with Wind Nils Weinander (10 January 2000)
Re: Magic David Cake (07 January 2000)
Zero Peter Metcalfe (06 January 2000)
Re: Zero Nils Weinander (06 January 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #268 Martin Crim (05 January 2000)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #267 (05 January 2000)
Nochet City Peter Metcalfe (22 December 1999)
Re: Paper, was Pharoah/Faro Nils Weinander (20 December 1999)
Place names James Chapin (14 December 1999)
Re: reverse RW Alex Ferguson (07 December 1999)
reverse RW "TERRA INCOGNITA" (06 December 1999)
Horses arses David Cake (06 December 1999)
West King Wind. (30 November 1999)
Re: duality of spirit and flesh Alex Ferguson (24 November 1999)
West King Wind "Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG" (23 November 1999)
Re: dreams Nils Weinander (21 November 1999)
Re: Perfect Emperor=Dream Alex Ferguson (19 November 1999)
blue folk David Cake (08 November 1999)
Emperors. Alex Ferguson (08 November 1999)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V7 #138 Peter Metcalfe (06 November 1999)
Kralori Emperors Peter Metcalfe (06 November 1999)
Terra Incognita questions (06 November 1999)
population "TERRA INCOGNITA" (05 November 1999)
Re: Kralori dreams Nils Weinander (24 October 1999)
Kralori dreams Peter Metcalfe (22 October 1999)
Elder Race civil wars Peter Metcalfe (22 October 1999)
mithra=carmanos? /civil war of elder race "TERRA INCOGNITA" (21 October 1999)
mithra=carmanos? /civil war of elder race "TERRA INCOGNITA" (21 October 1999)
Re: Perfect Emperor=Dream =?iso-8859-1?q?Nils=20Weinander?= (21 October 1999)
Re: succession of dragon emperors Alex Ferguson (20 October 1999)
Re: Perfect Emperor=Dream Alex Ferguson (20 October 1999)
Exarchs (18 October 1999)
Could Kralorela be a Dream ?!! MOB (18 October 1999)
Perfect Emperor=Dream Peter Linton Tracy (16 October 1999)
Eastern Dinosaurs, Website News "Nick Brooke" (16 October 1999)
Dinosaurs Peter Metcalfe (15 October 1999)
Re: Dinosaurs without Dragonewts Alex Ferguson (14 October 1999)
Here be Dragons... Peter Metcalfe (14 October 1999)
Re: Dinosaurs without Dragonewts (14 October 1999)
Re: dino-newts; Emperor of the WF David Dunham (14 October 1999)
Re: Draconism Nils Weinander (14 October 1999)
Dinosaurs without Dragonewts (13 October 1999)
succession of dragon emperors "TERRA INCOGNITA" (13 October 1999)
Re: Draconism Alex Ferguson (12 October 1999)
Draconism Peter Metcalfe (12 October 1999)
Re: Draconic lore & Kralorela =?iso-8859-1?q?Nils=20Weinander?= (11 October 1999)
Draconic truths Peter Metcalfe (10 October 1999)
Re: Draconic lore Alex Ferguson (10 October 1999)
Heretic Kralori Peter Metcalfe (08 October 1999)
Draconic lore "Bob Stancliff" (08 October 1999)
EWF (08 October 1999)
Re: Draconic lore & Kralorela Nils Weinander (07 October 1999)
Re: Mysterious Mysticism reference Nils Weinander (07 October 1999)
Mysterious Mysticism reference Ian Thomson (07 October 1999)
Kralorela and Heresy Peter Metcalfe (07 October 1999)
Draconic lore & Kralorela "Bob Stancliff" (07 October 1999)
Kralorela and Heresy Peter Metcalfe (06 October 1999)
Re: Dragons and Immanent Mastery (06 October 1999)
Kralori good, Lunars bad? Martin Laurie (06 October 1999)
Re: Kralorelan/draconic expert? - draconic retribution Alex Ferguson (06 October 1999)
Re: Kralorelan/draconic expert? - draconic retribution Alex Ferguson (05 October 1999)
Draconic mysticism Peter Metcalfe (05 October 1999)
EWF survivors Richard Fenner (05 October 1999)
Kralorelan/draconic expert? - draconic retribution "Bob Stancliff" (05 October 1999)
Kralorelan/draconic expert? - draconic retribution "Ian Thomson" (04 October 1999)
Re: Greater Prax (26 August 1999)
Re: Pure Horse People (23 August 1999)
Re: kralorelan mystical change Alex Ferguson (28 July 1999)
kralorelan mystical change "=?iso-8859-1?B?gmyCZIJzgmCCc4Jxgm6CbQ==?=" (28 July 1999)
Yet Another Tentacles Con Report (Simon Hibbs) (27 May 1999)
Re: Mystic 'newts? Nils Weinander (28 April 1999)
Re: Chaos. (Chaaaooossss?) Nils Weinander (28 April 1999)
Mystic 'newts? Alex Ferguson (27 April 1999)
More Jaldon (18 April 1999)
Jaldon Peter Metcalfe (17 April 1999)
Re : Chaos is Bad -- Chaos is boring (Simon Hibbs) (16 April 1999)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #509 John Holmes (08 April 1999)
Re: Crazed Dental Mystic (06 April 1999)
Kralori antics. Alex Ferguson (06 April 1999)
My answers: (05 April 1999)
Questions about Mao Tzen, Shang Hsa etc. (04 April 1999)
Campaign Details (03 April 1999)
Godunya, God Learners and Prax Peter Metcalfe (02 April 1999)
Questions Peter Metcalfe (02 April 1999)
Kralorela David Cake (25 March 1999)
Cultural models. Peter Metcalfe (24 March 1999)
Reinventing oneself. Alex Ferguson (16 March 1999)
Leaping Lopers mob (12 March 1999)
Pavis (25 February 1999)
Closing and Opening Nils Weinander (22 February 1999)
Tsankthed? Alex Ferguson (15 February 1999)
Re: Great Compromise Alex Ferguson (13 February 1999)
Maps Peter Metcalfe (12 February 1999)
Re: Great Compromise Nils Weinander (11 February 1999)
Re:fallen angels (10 February 1999)
Maps Peter Metcalfe (10 February 1999)
Maps Simon Hibbs (10 February 1999)
Angels, Josep "Errinoru" Tito Steve Lieb (10 February 1999)
Maps in Glorantha Simon Hibbs (08 February 1999)
Map Wars Chris Bell (06 February 1999)
Re: Newtlings (06 February 1999)
Re: Newtlings Alex Ferguson (06 February 1999)
Re: damn maps Alex Ferguson (05 February 1999)
Re: Newtlings (05 February 1999)
damn maps Steve Lieb (04 February 1999)
Atyar Peter Metcalfe (31 January 1999)
Atyar Peter Metcalfe (28 January 1999)
Treack Markhor (28 January 1999)
Re: Chaos, Migration and Failed Scholars. "Gary R Switzer" (28 January 1999)
Re: God Learners in Kralorela David Dunham (27 January 1999)
Atyar in the East (26 January 1999)
Atyar Peter Metcalfe (25 January 1999)
Huan To Peter Metcalfe (25 January 1999)
Dragon Kings (25 January 1999)
Kralorela and Chaos Peter Metcalfe (24 January 1999)
Three Quralori Kaos Krestions (24 January 1999)
Atyar (24 January 1999)
Kralori Crawly Chaos (23 January 1999)
Re: Chaos in Kralorela Alex Ferguson (23 January 1999)
Chaos in Kralorela "" (22 January 1999)
Stone-age Tiger People? Peter Metcalfe (21 January 1999)
Re: Shan Shan Hsunchen (21 January 1999)
Kralorela and chaos. Alex Ferguson (20 January 1999)
Re: Shan Shan Highlanders Nils Weinander (20 January 1999)
Re: Chaos in the East Nils Weinander (20 January 1999)
Re: Teshnan Gurkhas Alex Ferguson (20 January 1999)
krarshtkids. Alex Ferguson (20 January 1999)
Tiger Sons (20 January 1999)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #398 Benedict Adamson (20 January 1999)
Re: Doing a Captain Blackthorn Alex Ferguson (19 January 1999)
Re: Shan Shan Highlanders (19 January 1999)
re: Kralorelan krarshtkids; Orlanthi David Dunham (19 January 1999)
Chaos in the East Peter Metcalfe (19 January 1999)
More K Q's... Alex Ferguson (15 January 1999)
MoreKraLor. Alex Ferguson (14 January 1999)
Re: Mandarin Failures (13 January 1999)
More Kralori answers Peter Metcalfe (13 January 1999)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #391 (13 January 1999)
Well, FAQ me... Alex Ferguson (13 January 1999)
Kralori Trotskyism. Alex Ferguson (13 January 1999)
Exarchs without provinces peter metcalfe (12 January 1999)
Citizenship in Germany and Genertela Joerg Baumgartner (11 January 1999)
Kralorelan IAQ David Cake (11 January 1999)
Kralori Dragonewts (11 January 1999)
Eastern FAQs "Ian Gorlick" (11 January 1999)
Kralori answers peter metcalfe (10 January 1999)
Jrusteli in the East peter metcalfe (10 January 1999)
Re: Kralori IAQ (09 January 1999)
Re: Hero Wars in Ralios; Jrusteli questions David Dunham (09 January 1999)
Kralori Questions: (09 January 1999)
Kralori IAQ. Alex Ferguson (09 January 1999)
Closing and opening peter metcalfe (04 January 1999)
Re: Closing and Magical Communications Joerg Baumgartner (01 January 1999)
Kralorela and Vormain peter metcalfe (01 January 1999)
Closing and Magical Communications peter metcalfe (31 December 1998)
Kralori Rockets (Peter Metcalfe) (12 December 1998)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #349 (11 December 1998)
Re: Kralori rockets Nils Weinander (11 December 1998)
Cho the Rocketeer Joerg Baumgartner (10 December 1998)
Kralori rockets (Peter Metcalfe) (10 December 1998)
Re: Kralorelan artillery Nils Weinander (09 December 1998)
Mulan Mikko Rintasaari (07 December 1998)
Kralorela Nils Weinander (07 December 1998)
Re: East Isles Navigation Nils Weinander (01 December 1998)
Draconic Enlightenment, Cultural Mysticism, Mythic Relationships Chris Bell (01 December 1998)
A case of Mistaken Email "Adam Betteridge" (10 November 1998)
The Book of Drastic Resolutions (07 November 1998)
Re: Red Moon (20 October 1998)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #270 "Simon Phipp" (19 October 1998)
Fwd: Lunar Army Wesley Quadros (16 October 1998)
Daysenaras David Cake (16 October 1998)
Re: Writing systems Nils Weinander (13 October 1998)
More linguistic mix'n'match. Alex Ferguson (12 October 1998)
scripts David Cake (12 October 1998)
Re: Writing systems Steven Barnes (12 October 1998)
Re: Writing systems Nils Weinander (11 October 1998)
re: scripts Alex Ferguson (09 October 1998)
re: scripts David Dunham (08 October 1998)
Bow Matters Jose Ramos (03 October 1998)
Horse Nomads of Glorantha "Nick Brooke" (28 September 1998)
Re: HW Character Gen "Nick Brooke" (24 September 1998)
Caravans across the Wastelands (Peter Metcalfe) (16 September 1998)
Technology in Glorantha "Trevor Browne" (15 September 1998)
Availability of iron "Trevor Browne" (15 September 1998)
Availability of Iron (Peter Metcalfe) (14 September 1998)
Re: Is Glorantha Bronze Age? (13 September 1998)
Bronze, Iron & the Monopolies and Mergers Commission. "Trevor Browne" (12 September 1998)
Chaotic ecology "Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG" (09 September 1998)
Thunderous Women, Yelm Slime-Hacker "Simon Phipp" (09 September 1998)
Silly Eastern Question. Alex Ferguson (04 September 1998)
Soul Shortage mob (01 September 1998)
Gloranthan Demographics (Peter Metcalfe) (29 August 1998)
Gloranthan demography (Peter Metcalfe) (29 August 1998)
RE: The Glorantha Digest V6 #159 alwallac (29 August 1998)
Populations (Peter Metcalfe) (28 August 1998)
Demographic Maths Joerg Baumgartner (28 August 1998)
Ah, souls! Alex Ferguson (27 August 1998)
Lowell's questions (Peter Metcalfe) (25 August 1998)
Spelling and Soul Shortage.... (Michael Cule) (25 August 1998)
Destix Julian Lord (25 August 1998)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #144 Nils Weinander (25 August 1998)
lessons on Kazkurtum "Pam Carlson" (24 August 1998)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #143 (Lowell A Francis) (24 August 1998)
Re: Written Language & Scripts Simon Hibbs (24 August 1998)
Western: script vs ideograms Steven Barnes (21 August 1998)
[none] (Peter Metcalfe) (19 August 1998)
Starseers and Kralori (Peter Metcalfe) (18 August 1998)
Hie Wagon. Alex Ferguson (18 August 1998)
Re: Kralori and EWF Alex Ferguson (17 August 1998)
Minor estoretica (Peter Metcalfe) (14 August 1998)
Gay Humakti, Hsunchen, Fun, Vampyres (14 August 1998)
EWF a Kralori conspiracy? (Peter Metcalfe) (13 August 1998)
Kralori and EWF (Peter Metcalfe) (13 August 1998)
planet question (12 August 1998)
Re: EWF and mass combat Alex Ferguson (12 August 1998)
Kralori and EWF (Peter Metcalfe) (12 August 1998)
The Lokarnos Conspiracy... Alex Ferguson (12 August 1998)
Vampires (Peter Metcalfe) (07 August 1998)
Pentans (Peter Metcalfe) (21 July 1998)
Re: Storm Pentans Joerg Baumgartner (20 July 1998)
The Glorantha Digest V6 #22 Simon Bray (15 July 1998)
Culture Summaries: (08 July 1998)
Walls upon walls (Peter Metcalfe) (03 July 1998)
Re: More boring linguistics ... Joerg Baumgartner (03 July 1998)
Linguistics (Peter Metcalfe) (03 July 1998)
re-examining Demi-birds and Durulz Sergio Mascarenhas (02 July 1998)
Mysticism (Peter Metcalfe) (01 July 1998)
Languages in Glorantha Charles Domino (01 July 1998)
Re: Glorantha Names, 2 questions. "Andrew Raphael" (30 June 1998)
Mysticism (Peter Metcalfe) (29 June 1998)
Keith's questions (Peter Metcalfe) (29 June 1998)
Illumination and mysticism Simon Hibbs (29 June 1998)
Re: Mysticism Nils Weinander (28 June 1998)
Re: Glorantha Names, 2 questions. (28 June 1998)
Teleosan religion "Erik Nolander" (27 June 1998)
Teleos (Peter Metcalfe) (26 June 1998)
Mysticism (Peter Metcalfe) (26 June 1998)
Illumination, cnstructive comments appreciated "Ian Thomson" (26 June 1998)
Re: religious and magic things Nils Weinander (26 June 1998)
Re: Teleos and stuff "Erik Nolander" (25 June 1998)
Teleos (Peter Metcalfe) (24 June 1998)
Re: Tolat Rune Ladies (24 June 1998)
Cults on Teleos "Erik Nolander" (23 June 1998)
Tolat again!!! or "Looping the loop a bit" "Xavier LLobet" (22 June 1998)
Secret Societies. (Peter Metcalfe) (20 June 1998)
Re: Sunstop & more Nils Weinander (26 May 1998)
Re: Sorcery Nils Weinander (26 May 1998)
Third Eye Blue and Sorcerers (Peter Metcalfe) (23 May 1998)
Illumination (Peter Metcalfe) (16 May 1998)
Malkioni Illuminates Simon Hibbs (12 May 1998)
Illumination & saints Simon Hibbs (11 May 1998)
The Scientific Method "Pam Carlson" (10 May 1998)
Illumination & saints Nils Weinander (09 May 1998)
Illumination and Enlightenment. Simon Hibbs (08 May 1998)
Riddles And Study allen wallace (07 May 1998)
Re: Illumination "Nick Brooke" (07 May 1998)
RE: The Glorantha Digest V5 #597 "Hibbs, Philip" (06 May 1998)
[none] (06 May 1998)
Re: Enlightenment Nils Weinander (04 May 1998)
Illumination and enlightenment Nils Weinander (01 May 1998)
Re: RQ sight and stuff Frank Rafaelsen (01 May 1998)
RQ Sight vs Illumination (30 April 1998)
Dreams, Kethaela Joerg Baumgartner (24 April 1998)
Daka Fal and Resurrection "Pam Carlson" (24 April 1998)
Re: Suam Chow Nils Weinander (16 April 1998)
Suam Chow (Peter Metcalfe) (15 April 1998)
Re: Destruction in Kralorela Nils Weinander (14 April 1998)
Re: magic & elsewise Kralorelan Nils Weinander (13 April 1998)
RE: Why life in Glorantha sucks Sandy Petersen (13 April 1998)
Re: Good/Bad Magic TTrotsky (12 April 1998)
Good/bad magic JeffJErwin (10 April 1998)
RE: Umathelan Malkioni Sandy Petersen (31 March 1998)
Re: Foundchild the Hunter; Arabian Nights Nick Brooke (31 March 1998)
Bendy Sky Dome Alex Ferguson (26 March 1998)
Sky Dome, Magic Weapons "Hibbs, Philip" (26 March 1998)
Gunda the Guilty (Peter Metcalfe) (23 March 1998)
Re: Middle Ground Nils Weinander (21 March 1998)
+1 sword rebuttal (20 March 1998)
Chess richard (19 March 1998)
Golden Fleece Scenario ! (Alain RAMEAU) (19 March 1998)
answers to questions Sandy Petersen (18 March 1998)
Divine nature. Simon Hibbs (12 March 1998)
It was all a theoretical exercise, honest (danny bourne) (11 March 1998)
Lunar magicians. Alex Ferguson (01 March 1998)
Re: Kralori Thieves; Humakti; Rehab Nick Brooke (26 February 1998)
RE: Howdy Sandy Petersen (25 February 1998)
Re: Yolanela; Six Legs Nick Brooke (23 February 1998)
6-Leggers vs God Learners David Dunham (22 February 1998)
Theyalan Exegesis "Joerg Baumgartner" (20 February 1998)
More anachronisms. Alex Ferguson (20 February 1998)
Sun Domers & KOI "D. Pearton" (19 February 1998)
Re: The murky North East & other Nils Weinander (18 February 1998)
Bliss in Ignorance (Peter Metcalfe) (18 February 1998)
Golden Horde and the murky North East "Simon W Jones" (17 February 1998)
64 GDs and lots of things on Sergio Mascarenhas (16 February 1998)
Sky Stuff (long) (Stephen Martin) (15 February 1998)
Stargazing. Alex Ferguson (15 February 1998)
Glassware and undead Vesa Lehtinen (12 February 1998)
RE: Glass (Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG) (11 February 1998)
Glass Technology (11 February 1998)
Tripods (Frederic Ferro) (05 February 1998)
Kralori Month (05 February 1998)
Re: maps; horse folk; captive emperors David Dunham (05 February 1998)
Kralorelan musings Nils Weinander (05 February 1998)
The Lost Emperor (Michael O'Brien) (05 February 1998)
Final meta-talk Nils Weinander (04 February 1998)
Pentans and Emperors (Peter Metcalfe) (04 February 1998)
many things David (04 February 1998)
RE: the Kralori Red Emperor & other maunderings Sandy Petersen (04 February 1998)
Re: Horses, Sor-Eel/Argrath, Spirits, etc. Nick Brooke (04 February 1998)
Kralorela (Peter Metcalfe) (04 February 1998)
Re: Fortifications Nils Weinander (03 February 1998)
Re: Captive Red Emperor & more Nils Weinander (03 February 1998)
Re: Kralorelan afterlife Nils Weinander (03 February 1998)
regional maps? "Loren Miller" (03 February 1998)
Many topics (Peter Metcalfe) (03 February 1998)
Captive Red Emperor "Michael O'Brien" (03 February 1998)
Re: Kralorela Nils Weinander (03 February 1998)
Urm??? (03 February 1998)
Re: Kralorela; Knight Fort; Cradles Nick Brooke (03 February 1998)
Re: Friends and Forts and Convulsion '98 Nick Brooke (03 February 1998)
Re: EWF & Praxians David Dunham (03 February 1998)
Many topics (Peter Metcalfe) (02 February 1998)
Godunya Bridges, Knight Fort, Prax (Stephen Martin) (02 February 1998)
Kralori meta-issues (sorry) (Peter Metcalfe) (02 February 1998)
Newbie oldie PWegner (02 February 1998)
Multiple Moonsons "Michael O'Brien" (02 February 1998)
RE: Sandy's Maunderings Sandy Petersen (02 February 1998)
Re: Kralorela (02 February 1998)
Re: Kralorela Nils Weinander (01 February 1998)
Kralorela (Peter Metcalfe) (01 February 1998)
Kralorela and Peter Metcalfe (Stephen Martin) (01 February 1998)
more wafflings... (Peter Metcalfe) (01 February 1998)
Re: Knight Fort; Moonson; PeloriKralori Nick Brooke (01 February 1998)
Kralorela (01 February 1998)
Kralorela; Eurmal, Misc Vesa Lehtinen (01 February 1998)
Kralorela, what else Nils Weinander (31 January 1998)
Daruda (Stephen Martin) (31 January 1998)
Peter's wafflings... (Peter Metcalfe) (31 January 1998)
Many subjects (longer than usual) (Stephen Martin) (31 January 1998)
Knight Fort, RoC, Kralorela (Stephen Martin) (31 January 1998)
More Kralorela (Peter Metcalfe) (31 January 1998)
Kralorela (Peter Metcalfe) (31 January 1998)
Re: August dragon Nils Weinander (30 January 1998)
Outside World Funeral Joerg Baumgartner (30 January 1998)
Re: elf forests, trolls, healers, timeline, Rufelza David Dunham (30 January 1998)
RE: Maunderings Sandy Petersen (30 January 1998)
Godunya, King of Sartar, August Dragon, Knight Fort (Stephen Martin) (29 January 1998)
Re: August Dragon & other Kraloreliana Nils Weinander (29 January 1998)
Godunya (Peter Metcalfe) (29 January 1998)
triviae (Peter Metcalfe) (29 January 1998)
Re: The Glorantha Digest V5 #372 Nils Weinander (29 January 1998)
Web site update Nils Weinander (29 January 1998)
Kralorela (Stephen Martin) (29 January 1998)
Sedalpists and Godunya (Peter Metcalfe) (28 January 1998)
RE: Shang-Hsa Sandy Petersen (28 January 1998)
Kralorelan perfection (not?) Nils Weinander (28 January 1998)
Re: Divination, Flat Earth myth, misc. Nick Brooke (28 January 1998)
Godunya, Westerners, Shamans (Stephen Martin) (28 January 1998)
Godynua, Resurrection and stuff "Vesa Lehtinen" (27 January 1998)
Kralorelan mysticism & resurrection Nils Weinander (27 January 1998)
Re: Godunya Nils Weinander (27 January 1998)
Various "Nikk Effingham" (27 January 1998)
Re: Kolatings Nick Brooke (27 January 1998)
Some stuff (Peter Metcalfe) (27 January 1998)
Godunya and other stuff (Peter Metcalfe) (27 January 1998)
Re: Ids, Kralori, book recommendations, Sartar's Origins Nick Brooke (27 January 1998)
Godunya; Id? "Vesa Lehtinen" (26 January 1998)
Godunya, Dwarf Senses (Stephen Martin) (25 January 1998)
Godunya (Peter Metcalfe) (25 January 1998)
Elder Races (Peter Metcalfe) (25 January 1998)
Godunya and Boss Did It "Vesa Lehtinen" (24 January 1998)
Stuff. (Peter Metcalfe) (24 January 1998)
Godunya Nils Weinander (23 January 1998)
More topics (Peter Metcalfe) (23 January 1998)
Re: Elder Races, Genocide/Killing Gods Nick Brooke (23 January 1998)
Game Compatibility, Dendara, spectres (Stephen Martin) (23 January 1998)
Kralori Dendara (Peter Metcalfe) (23 January 1998)
Various Nils Weinander (22 January 1998)
Pent (Peter Metcalfe) (22 January 1998)
Entekos Dendara, nonhumans (Stephen Martin) (21 January 1998)
Re: Pent, Mysteries Nick Brooke (21 January 1998)
Mongols, Vikings and Pent richard (21 January 1998)
Re: Dendara in Kralorela Nick Brooke (20 January 1998)
Nonhumans and their ilk "Vesa Lehtinen" (18 January 1998)
Stars and easterners Nils Weinander (15 January 1998)
Battlefield magic (15 January 1998)
Culbrea, Uleria, Pole Star (Stephen Martin) (14 January 1998)
Cam's questions (Peter Metcalfe) (09 January 1998)
Female Kralorelan leaders & East Isles ships Nils Weinander (08 January 1998)
Gloranthan Civ 2 TheCam (07 January 1998)
Web site update Nils Weinander (04 January 1998)
More closing (peter metcalfe) (30 December 1997)
Special Armour and Closings (peter metcalfe) (29 December 1997)
Elf Rune again... (26 December 1997)
Nonhumans?, Nomad Gods, Reasonable use (Stephen Martin) (24 December 1997)
RE: The Glorantha Digest V5 #303 (Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG) (23 December 1997)
Out of tune Jose Ramos (23 December 1997)
Digesting Glorantha Sergio Mascarenhas (23 December 1997)
the newborn king scenario "Loren Miller" (23 December 1997)
Digesting Glorantha (part 2) Sergio Mascarenhas (22 December 1997)
Re: Blue Skies and Blank Lands Nick Brooke (21 December 1997)
Re: Blue Skies and Blank Lands Nick Brooke (21 December 1997)
Pameltelan Orlanthi heroes and British school boys Jeff Richard (20 December 1997)
Old questions that came back Sergio Mascarenhas (18 December 1997)
Solitude of testing (17 December 1997)
RQ, Military prowess Pasanen Panu (17 December 1997)
RE: Glorantha tactica Sandy Petersen (16 December 1997)
Fonrit (peter metcalfe) (14 December 1997)
Dragonkill/EWF, Red Moon, Panishi! (Stephen Martin) (14 December 1997)
Mask and Mirror Pasanen Panu (13 December 1997)
Re: phases of the moon TTrotsky (12 December 1997)
Re: Kralorela Nils Weinander (09 December 1997)
Golden Folk (peter metcalfe) (09 December 1997)
'newts (peter metcalfe) (08 December 1997)
Kralorela (peter metcalfe) (08 December 1997)
RE: Dragonewts & Kralorela, Telmori, Morocanth Sandy Petersen (08 December 1997)
Eastern stuff Nils Weinander (07 December 1997)
Draconic Golden Age ++ (Stephen Martin) (07 December 1997)
Minor natterings (peter metcalfe) (07 December 1997)
RE: maunderings Sandy Petersen (05 December 1997)
more assorted topics (peter metcalfe) (03 December 1997)
Re: Kralori Pyramids Nils Weinander (02 December 1997)
Yinkin the Shepherd, Werewolves, EWF (Stephen Martin) (02 December 1997)
Kralori Pyramids (peter metcalfe) (01 December 1997)
Re: East Isles Pearls Nils Weinander (30 November 1997)
Glorantha & Civ II (22 November 1997)
Rising Sun (Frederic Ferro) (14 November 1997)
Urbanized Sartar Joerg Baumgartner (05 November 1997)
Guilds and heroquest roads Joerg Baumgartner (03 November 1997)
Re: Children, Free Knowledge, Guilds Nick Brooke (03 November 1997)
RE: Sacred Time Sandy Petersen (27 October 1997)
Sacred Time (Stephen Martin) (22 October 1997)
Sacred Time "Michael C. Morrison 8-543-4706" (21 October 1997)
Harsaltar, magic, half-trolls (Stephen Martin) (10 October 1997)
A magic taxonomy, rebuttal "Michael C. Morrison 8-543-4706" (08 October 1997)
Kralorela Background Material? "Luther, Clay" (07 October 1997)
A Preliminary Magical Taxonomy (long) "Beyke, Maurice A" (02 October 1997)
RE:maunderings Sandy Petersen (24 September 1997)
Pentan deities "Pam Carlson" (22 September 1997)
Teleshnos Nils Weinander (18 September 1997)
Drags and Dinos (Stephen Martin) (16 September 1997)
blues and more Sandy Petersen (16 September 1997)
Dragonewts and Dinosaurs Nick Brooke (16 September 1997)
Many-coloured skin Nils Weinander (14 September 1997)
Teleosian Dinosaurs (Stephen Martin) (14 September 1997)
Teleos, Satyr, Loper People (Stephen Martin) (13 September 1997)
lopers and leapers "Peter Metcalfe" (12 September 1997)
Teleosian and Teshnan human stock Nils Weinander (11 September 1997)
Teleos miscellany "Peter Metcalfe" (11 September 1997)
Teleos (what else?) (Stephen Martin) (11 September 1997)
Teleosiana Joerg Baumgartner (10 September 1997)
Dragonewts on Teleos Nick Brooke (09 September 1997)
Little Monkeys, Lunar Leapers and Teleos Simon Bray (07 September 1997)
Teleos (Stephen Martin) (07 September 1997)
Pamaltela and Teleos. Simon Bray (06 September 1997)
[none] "Peter Metcalfe" (29 August 1997)
On mining gold for cheap kings and the joy to be found in treaso "Loren Miller" (27 August 1997)
Southpath. Alex Ferguson (24 August 1997)
Southpath (Stephen Martin) (17 August 1997)
Celestiology (Stephen Martin) (16 August 1997)
Calendars (Stephen Martin) (12 August 1997)
Ducks/Trolls/Undead/Familiars/Yanking Chains "Simon Phipp" (11 August 1997)
Re: Menstruation and time Joerg Baumgartner (10 August 1997)
Catchup part 1 Nils Weinander (09 August 1997)
EWF, trolls, cultures "Simon Phipp" (06 August 1997)
Ancient Feel Nick Brooke (06 August 1997)
Lots of stuff about Ducks (Michael Cule) (05 August 1997)
Ducks (Stephen Martin) (04 August 1997)
MP/Gender/Theories/HeroQuests/Arkat/Apotheosis "Simon Phipp" (29 July 1997)
Arkat in Ralios Joerg Baumgartner (27 July 1997)
Minor Quibble (Jose Ramos) (25 July 1997)
Enlightenment & "art" Nils Weinander (25 July 1997)
Re: Enlightenment Alex Ferguson (24 July 1997)
God Learners and Hell, Irish Savages, Maps and misinterpretations "Nick Krass" (24 July 1997)
Enlightenment (Andrew Joelson) (24 July 1997)
Illumination David Cake (24 July 1997)
Illuminated God Learner Lunars. Alex Ferguson (23 July 1997)
Teshnos Nils Weinander (22 July 1997)
Re: Teshnos Rex Bean (22 July 1997)
Making Maps "Nick Krass" (22 July 1997)
more Rufelza (Andrew Joelson) (22 July 1997)
Teshnos sources Nick Brooke (22 July 1997)
Teshnos rules no waves Joerg Baumgartner (21 July 1997)
Teshnos. Alex Ferguson (21 July 1997)
Teshnos (21 July 1997)
clays speculations David Cake (17 July 1997)
Dummies...oh sorry...Mummies. "Kenth Eriksson" (15 July 1997)
loosing yurself? (Andrew Joelson) (11 July 1997)
Arkat, Stars and Languages Peter Metcalfe (04 July 1997)
Heros and Stars (Nikk Effingham) (03 July 1997)
The nature of myth Nils Weinander (01 July 1997)
Objectivity in myth "Simon D. Hibbs" (01 July 1997)
Tomatoes (Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG) (25 June 1997)
Back again, Gloranthan Weapons and weapon styles, Chris Bell (25 June 1997)
KOS, porcupine, rant David Cake (24 June 1997)
Another Martin Martin Laurie (23 June 1997)
Unique plants (Thomas Gottschall) (22 June 1997)
Non-mammal Hsunchen Alex Ferguson (22 June 1997)
German Sources, Bullies, etc. Nick Brooke (22 June 1997)
RE: Black Eater... "Daniel McCluskey (Volt)" (19 June 1997)
Darksense, Xenophobic Sartarites James Frusetta (14 June 1997)
Which Glorantha? & more Nils Weinander (14 June 1997)
Personal Orlanth. Alex Ferguson (14 June 1997)
PoIM and ignorance Peter Metcalfe (12 June 1997)
coupla topics Peter Metcalfe (12 June 1997)
coupla topics Peter Metcalfe (11 June 1997)
Oh? Nils Weinander (11 June 1997)
Re: Glorantha Digest V4 #488 Carl Fink (11 June 1997)
Alternate History "Schmidt, Erich" (10 June 1997)
viewpoints "Carlson, Pam" (10 June 1997)
Boy am I dense Nils Weinander (09 June 1997)
many thingz Peter Metcalfe (09 June 1997)
Uz MA James Frusetta (09 June 1997)
Martial Arts Martin Laurie (09 June 1997)
Kralorelan afterlife & male earth deities Nils Weinander (08 June 1997)
Ex/Block, Doraddi, +++++ (Stephen Martin) (08 June 1997)
Kralorelean city Peter Metcalfe (07 June 1997)
Re: stuff Sandy Petersen (07 June 1997)
many topics Peter Metcalfe (07 June 1997)
Re: Glorantha Digest V4 #469 Sandy Petersen (06 June 1997)
Kralorela and Illuminates Peter Metcalfe (05 June 1997)
Confused again; question for Sandy. Paul Chapman (05 June 1997)
Shop, Ninjuz, Silk, Bees James Frusetta (05 June 1997)
Immanent Mastery and Tuskriders Peter Metcalfe (05 June 1997)
Glorantha Digest V4 #468 Simon Bray (05 June 1997)
Unpeaceful Swine, +++++ (Stephen Martin) (05 June 1997)
PoIM Nils Weinander (04 June 1997)
Re: Hunter cult, ants, Doraddi Sandy Petersen (04 June 1997)
Re: Shang-Hsa, Walktapi, etc. Sandy Petersen (04 June 1997)
PoIM and Kralori Gods. Simon Bray (04 June 1997)
early seshnela, kralorela Peter Metcalfe (03 June 1997)
Re: Kralorelans again Nils Weinander (03 June 1997)
Trade with the east (03 June 1997)
Kralorela, Yinkin (Stephen Martin) (03 June 1997)
many things Peter Metcalfe (02 June 1997)
Lunar Trade "Schmidt, Erich" (02 June 1997)
Lunar Trade "Schmidt, Erich" (02 June 1997)
Kralorelans again Nils Weinander (01 June 1997)
democracy, borists and book burner Peter Metcalfe (01 June 1997)
many topics Peter Metcalfe (01 June 1997)
Kralorelan Emperors (Stephen Martin) (31 May 1997)
Re: Kralorea: A product of God Learners Ltd. Alex Ferguson (31 May 1997)
Saintly Yanoor, May-his-name-be-cursed, +++ (Stephen Martin) (31 May 1997)
Kralorelan history Nils Weinander (31 May 1997)
Kralorea: A product of God Learners Ltd. (31 May 1997)
Ducks, HQing, Kralori, ++ (Stephen Martin) (30 May 1997)
many topics Peter Metcalfe (30 May 1997)
Spoken with a forked tongue? Nils Weinander (29 May 1997)
Technology vs. Magic, + (Stephen Martin) (28 May 1997)
More mutterings Peter Metcalfe (20 May 1997)
What's objective: the truth! Alex Ferguson (15 May 1997)
Can the gods audition for MTV's "Real Life"? Mark Sabalauskas (14 May 1997)
Re: nature of gods Nick Brooke (14 May 1997)
Sheng Seleris (Stephen P Martin) (07 May 1997)
many topics Peter Metcalfe (07 May 1997)
answers for bell Peter Metcalfe (06 May 1997)
answers David Cake (06 May 1997)
Ralian technology and time (Jose Ramos) (05 May 1997)
Re: A few Nitpicks. Simon Bray (03 May 1997)
myriad topics Peter Metcalfe (01 May 1997)
Re: Strange Mysticism. Simon Bray (01 May 1997)
PNW Uz update, and Orca... "Daniel McCluskey (Volt)" (28 April 1997)
various topics (Stephen P Martin) (27 April 1997)
One-Use Rune Magic Nick Brooke (26 April 1997)
Orca James Frusetta (25 April 1997)
Calendars Nils Weinander (23 April 1997)
Arachne Solara Erik Hamilton (22 April 1997)
Mandarins "Michael O'Brien" (22 April 1997)
Elves, Orlanth (Stephen P Martin) (18 April 1997)
Bits and Bobs (Stephen P Martin) (18 April 1997)
Non-Humans (Stephen P Martin) (12 April 1997)
Speeding the plow (Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG) (07 April 1997)
Bull. Alex Ferguson (07 April 1997)
Non-human PCs (Robert H. Wolfe) (04 April 1997)
Re: non-human PC's "John R. Snead" (03 April 1997)
non-human PC's Martin Crim (03 April 1997)
Re: Playing Non-humans "John R. Snead" (03 April 1997)
East & west Nils Weinander (24 March 1997)
Very Long Absence (Stephen P Martin) (23 March 1997)
Non-Malkioni Sorcerors Philip Hibbs (23 March 1997)
Pan-gloranthan religion "Simon D. Hibbs" (21 March 1997)
Strategic Bug Command James Frusetta (21 February 1997)
Re: Runes Joerg Baumgartner (19 February 1997)
runes Peter Metcalfe (18 February 1997)
Rune ownership Ed Tonry (18 February 1997)
various "Carlson, Pam" (18 February 1997)
Runes Claude Manzato (17 February 1997)
Too much to read, too little time. (16 February 1997)
days of pain Peter Metcalfe (15 February 1997)
Re: Glorantha Digest V4 #191 Frederic J-M Moulin (14 February 1997)
foxfire David Cake (14 February 1997)
History; Lunar holy days Nick Brooke (14 February 1997)
Cultural regimental magics? James Frusetta (08 February 1997)
Dialectics of Regimental Magic Joerg Baumgartner (07 February 1997)
RE: Glorantha Digest V4 #176 (Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG) (07 February 1997)
Malkioni and runes Peter Metcalfe (06 February 1997)
Runes David Cake (06 February 1997)
Lunar army crud James Frusetta (05 February 1997)
Re: Yelmic esoterica David Cake (03 February 1997)
Olive Trees, Strange Yelm Myth (Stephen P Martin) (02 February 1997)
Humakt, Shargash (Stephen P Martin) (25 January 1997)
Horse, Wyvern & Raven; Storytelling Nick Brooke (20 January 1997)
Heroes Martin Laurie (17 January 1997)
dark thoughts David Cake (16 January 1997)
Basko, Elmal vs. Heler, Elven Yelmalio (Stephen P Martin) (15 January 1997)
weather, animals & HQ "Carlson, Pam" (13 January 1997)
Arkat "Simon Phipp" (09 January 1997)
Watchdog of Corflu, Umath, White Moon, Londra (Stephen P Martin) (09 January 1997)
estoretic topics Peter Metcalfe (20 December 1996)
Stopping suns, changing faces and death spells Peter Metcalfe (20 December 1996)
Sunstop, Dragon Dance (Stephen P Martin) (20 December 1996)
Orlanth's Ring, Parables, Yelm Furies (Stephen P Martin) (19 December 1996)
Orlanth's ring and dragon magic (19 December 1996)
Sunstop (Stephen P Martin) (18 December 1996)
Peter's mauderings Peter Metcalfe (16 December 1996)
Cult of Oakfed (Stephen P Martin) (13 December 1996)
DH Judges unimpeachable? David Weihe (13 December 1996)
Re: Stories, Chaos and Laws (12 December 1996)
Courts Peter Metcalfe (12 December 1996)
Paper "Carlson, Pam" (12 December 1996)
Gloranthan legal systems Martin Crim (11 December 1996)
Re: Nitpicking; legalities "Timothy Byrd" (11 December 1996)
Nitpicking; legalities David Dunham (10 December 1996)
The Story of Sheng Seleris - Part 4 Martin Laurie (09 December 1996)
Drugs of Glorantha, Pt.1 (07 December 1996)
RE: Story of Sheng - Part 2 "Michael O'Brien" (21 November 1996)
evolutionism Peter Metcalfe (17 November 1996)
The Story of Sheng Seleris Martin Laurie (15 November 1996)
Journals of a Shargashi (13 November 1996)
What is a Myth? Martin Laurie (13 November 1996)
Sources Saravan Peacock (05 November 1996)
What do the Lunars know? (01 November 1996)
Jarst Daro; Hazia and Dresses; Oceans Draft (fwd) Majordomo (24 October 1996)
lunar buildings and darksense Peter Metcalfe (21 October 1996)
Matters mundane Peter Metcalfe (17 October 1996)
Fethlon Jungle Anthony Bushell (17 October 1996)
Pelorian questions David (17 October 1996)
Fethlon Jungle Peter Metcalfe (16 October 1996)
Unarmed Fighting Styles Anthony Bushell (14 October 1996)
Chargg, Pelorian Burrowings and Teshnos Peter Metcalfe (11 October 1996)
Spirit Weapons Glenn Glazer (08 October 1996)
Sun County - Why You Walk, Not Ride "Michael O'Brien" (08 October 1996)
gloranthan population Peter Metcalfe (04 October 1996)
Re: elementals Sandy Petersen (03 October 1996)
The Five Elements Guy Hoyle (03 October 1996)
elementals and lunar cults Peter Metcalfe (02 October 1996)
Re: Elements / Glorantha Digest V3 #216 Glenn Micah Glazer (02 October 1996)
Re: Lunar Pantheon Sandy Petersen (02 October 1996)
Elements Guy Hoyle (30 September 1996)
It's Not Easy Being Grim -- Chapter One -- Part III (27 September 1996)
alchemy Peter Metcalfe (26 September 1996)
goats; TP substitutes Martin Crim (11 September 1996)
Pharoah and Theism in Glorantha Peter Metcalfe (08 September 1996)
Important Cults Peter Metcalfe (06 September 1996)
Re: Earth and Storm Sandy Petersen (06 September 1996)
Re: Theists in Kralorela (06 September 1996)
Pharoah's magics and Theists Peter Metcalfe (05 September 1996)
Re: God worshipping in Genertela (05 September 1996)
God worshipping in Genertela Robert McArthur (05 September 1996)
needles and eastward ho! Peter Metcalfe (05 September 1996)
God worshipping in Genertela (K. Suderman) (05 September 1996)
The Holy Country and the Seas Joerg Baumgartner (04 September 1996)
More Kethaelan Sailors' yarn Joerg Baumgartner (04 September 1996)
Re: Shamans & Sorcerers & Joerg Sandy Petersen (02 September 1996)
Re: Horal's Crime, Cragspider Solara, Blue (moon) Vadeli, Recent Vadeli History Joerg Baumgartner (19 August 1996)
Re: Kralorela Sandy Petersen (19 August 1996)
Re: Seven (18 August 1996)
Kralorelan Cult of the Void (08 August 1996)
Re: Kralori magic (02 August 1996)
Proxies and automata (David Cake) (01 August 1996)
Kralori magic (01 August 1996)
Primitive magic & more (31 July 1996)
Triviae Obscurae Peter Metcalfe (30 July 1996)
Red Vadeli & more (30 July 1996)
Primitive magic (29 July 1996)
Kralorela (29 July 1996)
Moonson's Number Two (28 July 1996)
Magic and the Otherworld mostly (26 July 1996)
Story & calendars (24 July 1996)
More Yelm Peter Metcalfe (17 July 1996)
Yelm in DH "Carlson, Pam" (16 July 1996)
minor matters Peter Metcalfe (28 June 1996)
RE: Glorantha Digest V2 #633 (fwd) Majordomo (27 June 1996)
Shift of Ages Joerg Baumgartner (26 June 1996)
Blu-ue Moo-oon! (David Cake) (26 June 1996)
[Whit/Blu/R]e[d] Moon? Peter Metcalfe (25 June 1996)
Smiths (25 June 1996)
More natterings Peter Metcalfe (20 June 1996)
Mysticism and martial arts D M McNamara (06 June 1996)
Insight Nils Weinander (02 June 1996)
Re: Vadeli & Waertagi Sandy Petersen (31 May 1996)
Re: Morocanth & Martial Arts Sandy Petersen (28 May 1996)
Re: Bits & Pieces of Chaos Sandy Petersen (22 May 1996)
Waertagi ships "ian (i.) gorlick" (22 May 1996)
Praxians, good, or futile and unpleasant? (David Cake) (21 May 1996)
Sandy on Treach Markhor (20 May 1996)
Re: Glorantha Digest V2 #575 D M McNamara (20 May 1996)
Decisive Battles and Blues Peter Metcalfe (16 May 1996)
Treack Markhor, the God-learners, and "machina ex deus" (14 May 1996)
Re: Armies Sandy Petersen (11 May 1996)
armies (David Cake) (10 May 1996)
The Sex Life of A Wild Man "Erik Sieurin" (09 May 1996)
Re: Gloranthan Army Competence Sandy Petersen (09 May 1996)
Re: non-violent heroes & heroquesting & Chaos Sandy Petersen (08 May 1996)
Some answers Peter Metcalfe (07 May 1996)
Sand Cake "Erik Sieurin" (06 May 1996)
Re: Treack Markhor Sandy Petersen (02 May 1996)
Re: Treack Markhor Joerg Baumgartner (02 May 1996)
Treack visits the East Peter Metcalfe (01 May 1996)
Re: Treack Markhor Robert McArthur (01 May 1996)
Treack Markhor (30 April 1996)
Onslaught's Stats. (30 April 1996)
More on magic "Michael C. Morrison 8-543-4706" (22 April 1996)
mutterings... Peter Metcalfe (20 April 1996)
Peter's ramblings Nils Weinander (19 April 1996)
ramblings... Peter Metcalfe (19 April 1996)
Mr. Happy "Nick Brooke (D&T CAS)" (19 April 1996)
Loadsa things (Nick Effingham) (18 April 1996)
Peaceful Places to Live martin (18 April 1996)
Peaceful Glorantha Nils Weinander (18 April 1996)
*sniffle* Peter Metcalfe (17 April 1996)
We Come In Peace "Nick Brooke (D&T CAS)" (17 April 1996)
magic, bat silliness "Carlson, Pam" (16 April 1996)
Spirit Plane's appearance "Loren Miller" (19 March 1996)
Deville - The Wastelands - Part 1 martin (09 March 1996)
Re: Big Cats Sandy Petersen (20 February 1996)
Replies galore Peter Metcalfe (06 February 1996)
Re: Astrology (25 January 1996)
Starry-eyed Apes... Peter Metcalfe (24 January 1996)
Draconic nitpick Nils Weinander (18 January 1996)
Re: Omens & Oracles--technical difficulties (17 January 1996)
Re: Independent Magicians Sandy Petersen (16 January 1996)
Re: Empires in Arms Sandy Petersen (16 January 1996)
Imperial Successions? Peter Metcalfe (16 January 1996)
In defense of byzantine parallels, and 2nd Age culture (Joerg Baumgartner) (14 January 1996)
various things Peter Metcalfe (14 January 1996)
Re: Empires Without Follow-ups (David Dunham) (13 January 1996)
Re: darwinian progression Sandy Petersen (12 January 1996)
Good old times Nils Weinander (05 January 1996)
The Cline of the Cultures Peter Metcalfe (05 January 1996)
Thoughts on Loskalm (Watson, Paul: EDM) (29 December 1995)
Red Moon phase table (21 December 1995)
Gum Trees (18 December 1995)
More (or less) years. Alex Ferguson (17 December 1995)
Open forests & more Nils Weinander (15 December 1995)
an antipodean botanical nitpick (David Cake) (14 December 1995)
Re: mythic diversity in fauna Sandy Petersen (13 December 1995)
Mystic things Nils Weinander (12 December 1995)
Couple of topics Peter Metcalfe (12 December 1995)
Re: Eastern/Color Magic Sandy Petersen (11 December 1995)
Mixed musings Nils Weinander (11 December 1995)
Carmanians, True Mostali and the East Peter Metcalfe (09 December 1995)
Colour Magic, Sorcery mr happy (08 December 1995)
No Personality. mr happy (08 December 1995)
True Mostali, Dream Magic and Kralorela Peter Metcalfe (08 December 1995)
Diverse fauna (Joerg Baumgartner) (07 December 1995)
Too many different things to summarize in a subject line Nils Weinander (07 December 1995)
Re: MGF & Ecology Sandy Petersen (06 December 1995)
Re: Vorumai color magic and ecology Sandy Petersen (04 December 1995)
Diamond Mountain Peter Metcalfe (01 December 1995)
Kralorelan conservatism Nils Weinander (01 December 1995)
Deck o mony things (no, not Tarot) "Erik Sieurin" (30 November 1995)
Card gaming Nils Weinander (27 November 1995)
many things Peter Metcalfe (26 November 1995)
Kralorela TORRESTM.HQAMC@MHS.SAFB.AF.MIL (Torres, Capt Timothy M) (24 November 1995)
Coffee "Erik Sieurin" (20 November 1995)
Gnomes, Sylphs, and fortress obsolescence Sandy Petersen (17 November 1995)
Re: Martial Arts Sandy Petersen (17 November 1995)
Lodril and Martial Arts Peter Metcalfe (15 November 1995)
Re: Glorantha Digest V2 #205 (15 November 1995)
Luatha & more Andrew Joelson (14 November 1995)
Re: KoW Sandy Petersen (13 November 1995)
Re: Glorantha Digest V2 #189 "Erik Sieurin" (01 November 1995)
Coffee Peter Metcalfe (31 October 1995)
Morthander Deville Continued martin (30 October 1995)
[none] (27 October 1995)
Sandy's Art of War (Russell Massey) (26 October 1995)
Re: Art of War, Harrek, etc. Sandy Petersen (19 October 1995)
How to Cheat at War... Peter Metcalfe (19 October 1995)
Da Rulez of War... Peter Metcalfe (18 October 1995)
Art of War question. (18 October 1995)
Malkioni and Kralori Metaphysics Peter Metcalfe (23 September 1995)
Re: Lo Pin Po Speaks Out Sandy Petersen (22 September 1995)
Some Questions on Sandy's story Peter Metcalfe (21 September 1995)
Re: Three Kralori Tales about Two Kralori Heroes Sandy Petersen (20 September 1995)
Mixed responses Nils Weinander (13 September 1995)
Destroying Rock Inscriptions and other things Peter Metcalfe (12 September 1995)
Re: Shang-Hsa, Dwarf meta-magic, and Scorpion man ecology Sandy Petersen (12 September 1995)
Burned books & time Nils Weinander (11 September 1995)
Kralori Documents and God Time Peter Metcalfe (09 September 1995)
Myths, again... Nils Weinander (08 September 1995)
Now that I've started, I can't stop myself! (Carl Fink) (05 September 1995)
Re: Myth and History (Loren Miller) (05 September 1995)
A few more things... Peter Metcalfe (01 September 1995)
various bits and pieces... Peter Metcalfe (29 August 1995)
Kralori magic Peter Metcalfe (18 August 1995)
Kralorelan cults Nils Weinander (17 August 1995)
Kralori Mysticism and Cults mr happy (16 August 1995)
Writing Nils Weinander (16 August 1995)
HeroQuests, Scripts and Kralorela Cults Peter Metcalfe (15 August 1995)
Mysticism and Religion (fwd) Majordomo (14 August 1995)
Genertelan Writings (Frederic Ferro) (11 August 1995)
Illumination and the Lightbringers Peter Metcalfe (03 August 1995)
Illumination, etc. (02 August 1995)
Carmanians, Lunar Lights and Shieldless Cults Peter Metcalfe (20 July 1995)
Nurturers and Nunneries Peter Metcalfe (18 July 1995)
Re: sandy returns after a hiatus Sandy Petersen (17 July 1995)
Dragonewts and the Oslir Peter Metcalfe (13 July 1995)
An alternative to the Draconic orthodoxy (David Cake) (12 July 1995)
Dragonewts and the EWF Peter Metcalfe (12 July 1995)
Mostly about dragons Nils Weinander (12 July 1995)
Renegade Dargonewts? "John R. Snead" (10 July 1995)
Three-armed monsters & dragons Nils Weinander (09 July 1995)
Duality, Gender, and Runes "John R. Snead" (07 July 1995)
Alison Place:Opposed runes; Mind-body-soul "ian (i.) gorlick" (28 June 1995)
Re: Runes Sandy Petersen (26 June 1995)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #327 (Bryan Maloney) (24 June 1995)
Re: Opposed Runes (David Cake) (23 June 1995)
California, Berlin and Pent HVH@LET.KUN.NL (23 June 1995)
Opposed runes Nils Weinander (22 June 1995)
Runes, Sea Dragons and Lunar Book Peter Metcalfe (21 June 1995)
Sea Dragons (David Cake) (20 June 1995)
Re: tales Sandy Petersen (14 June 1995)
WWW archives update (located in Australia) Robert McArthur (24 May 1995)
Re: More on money (Paul Reilly) (19 May 1995)
Money! Peter Metcalfe (19 May 1995)
Illuminated Kralorela (Nils Weinander) (15 May 1995)
Illumination and Kralorela (Bryan Maloney) (13 May 1995)
Elves of Fethlon (12 May 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (10 May 1995)
Heroes and elves (Nils Weinander) (10 May 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (04 May 1995)
Bloody Purges, Errinoru and Red Moon Peter Metcalfe (04 May 1995)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #263 "Erik Sieurin" (04 May 1995)
Lunar Male Dieties (Graeme Lindsell) (03 May 1995)
Heroics and other subjects (Nils Weinander) (03 May 1995)
Red Moon visibility (03 May 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (02 May 1995)
Heroes (Nils Weinander) (02 May 1995)
DP and WB&RM heroes (Joerg Baumgartner) (01 May 1995)
Kralorelan changes (Nils Weinander) (28 April 1995)
Daruda and Massed Magicians (Graeme Lindsell) (28 April 1995)
'Wicked Ministers' Peter Metcalfe (28 April 1995)
Passing Wyter and Aptanace Peter Metcalfe (28 April 1995)
Re: maunderings Sandy Petersen (28 April 1995)
Parg Ilsi, butcher of Twice Blessed (David Cake) (28 April 1995)
Mixed (Nils Weinander) (28 April 1995)
Aptanace the sage (Nils Weinander) (27 April 1995)
Re: Maunderings Sandy Petersen (26 April 1995)
Systemless & the ol' Kralorelans (Nils Weinander) (26 April 1995)
Sheng and 'Wicked Ministers' Peter Metcalfe (25 April 1995)
Sheng's secrets (Graeme Lindsell) (24 April 1995)
Kralorelan stuff & some bows (Nils Weinander) (24 April 1995)
Crossbows, Lunar Magic and Kralori Emperors... Peter Metcalfe (23 April 1995)
Re: Sandy eats dirt Sandy Petersen (21 April 1995)
Bows, with and without cross (Nils Weinander) (18 April 1995)
Re: Sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (13 April 1995)
Bows Colin Watson (12 April 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (11 April 1995)
Educating non-Kralorelans (Nils Weinander) (04 April 1995)
Re: maunderings of sandydom Sandy Petersen (03 April 1995)
Dead Kralorelans of various moral fibre (Nils Weinander) (03 April 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (03 April 1995)
Enlightened and Unenlightened Dead Kralori. Alex Ferguson (02 April 1995)
Moons and other celestial bodies (Nils Weinander) (27 March 1995)
Good and Bad Dead People (Nils Weinander) (23 March 1995)
Insidious haitches (Nils Weinander) (22 March 1995)
Various naughtiness. Alex Ferguson (22 March 1995)
Re: SANDHY'S MAUNDERINGHS! Sandy Petersen (20 March 1995)
Haitchlessness (Nils Weinander) (17 March 1995)
Third Bullseye Ble, Eat Me and Arkat "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (11 March 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (10 March 1995)
Re: maunderings Sandy Petersen (07 March 1995)
Matters Kralori and Nilsian. Alex Ferguson (05 March 1995)
Dino-mania Alex Ferguson (05 March 1995)
Sandy's Malkioni timeline (Joerg Baumgartner) (04 March 1995)
Re: Sandy's confused jerking from subject to subject Sandy Petersen (03 March 1995)
Back to the ol' emperors (Nils Weinander) (02 March 1995)
Yaks Dave Pearton (02 March 1995)
Greg eats worms (Andrew Joelson) (01 March 1995)
Greg notes David Dunham (via RadioMail) (01 March 1995)
Things to eat. Other than Sandy. Alex Ferguson (01 March 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (28 February 1995)
Questions about the Devil (Nils Weinander) (27 February 1995)
Sandy gets all Psychopompous. Alex Ferguson (23 February 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (23 February 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (22 February 1995)
Various subjects actually (Nils Weinander) (20 February 1995)
My usual subject (Nils Weinander) (17 February 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (17 February 1995)
Re: Sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (17 February 1995)
Kralorela "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (17 February 1995)
Humakti Creation; Grain; Godunya Nick Brooke (16 February 1995)
Grain Goddesses (again and again and again) (Joerg Baumgartner) (16 February 1995)
Re: maunderings Sandy Petersen (16 February 1995)
Broken Council Writeup - Saratin Seomale NDROBINS@NDROBINS.FIN.GOV.BC.CA (16 February 1995)
Shang-Hsa may... (Nils Weinander) (15 February 1995)
Shapechangers (David Cake) (15 February 1995)
Kralorela again. "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (15 February 1995)
Re: Sandy Insight Sandy Petersen (15 February 1995)
Kralori views on Dragonewts "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (12 February 1995)
Japanised Names of Vormain Takehiro OHYA (11 February 1995)
Taxes (Joerg Baumgartner) (11 February 1995)
Re: Dara Happans in Sun County David Gadbois (10 February 1995)
Languagising. Alex Ferguson (10 February 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings (09 February 1995)
Vormain. Alex Ferguson (07 February 1995)
Shang Hsa (mhnbc); Broken Council Nick Brooke (07 February 1995)
yet another Broken Council report HVH@LET.KUN.NL (07 February 1995)
Guess what? (Nils Weinander) (07 February 1995)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #125 Sandy Petersen (06 February 1995)
Kralorela and Taboos "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (06 February 1995)
YT & Kralorelan names (Nils Weinander) (06 February 1995)
Kralorelan names (Truls Parsson) (05 February 1995)
Kralorelan emperors mainly (Nils Weinander) (03 February 1995)
Revelations of the Iron Vrok Dennis Hoover (02 February 1995)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #117 (David Cake) (02 February 1995)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #115 (Paul Reilly) (01 February 1995)
Re: brief expressions of distrust Sandy Petersen (30 January 1995)
Dragon Mother company (Nils Weinander) (30 January 1995)
Phoenixes "Michael C. Morrison 8-543-4706" (30 January 1995)
Broken Council Memoirs James Polk (30 January 1995)
Illumination (Nils Weinander) (26 January 1995)
Cults Nick Brooke (25 January 1995)
Kralorelan stuff (Nils Weinander) (24 January 1995)
Various threads... "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (24 January 1995)
Re: various goodies, interspersed with stats Sandy Petersen (23 January 1995)
Kralorelan emperors etc (Nils Weinander) (23 January 1995)
Illumination! "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (21 January 1995)
RQ-Con 2 Post Con Notes "Shannon D. Appel" (21 January 1995)
Re: sandy's maunderings Sandy Petersen (18 January 1995)
Re: spectres and phoenixes Sandy Petersen (11 January 1995)
Scottish Dawn... "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (17 December 1994)
Kralorelan Folktale, Goodbye, and thanks for all the banter! Sven *Erik Sievrin (15 December 1994)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #55 Sandy Petersen (14 December 1994)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #53 Sven *Erik Sievrin (13 December 1994)
tigers, dogs, narwhals "Carlson, Pam" (13 December 1994)
Folktale origins & evil animals (Nils Weinander) (13 December 1994)
Re: immortality and more Sandy Petersen (12 December 1994)
Brithini, Beer and Printing "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (12 December 1994)
Far Point; printing (10 December 1994)
Immigration, Plants and Pentans "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (10 December 1994)
Hakuna matata Sven *Erik Sievrin (10 December 1994)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #49 Sven *Erik Sievrin (10 December 1994)
Yelm and Dart Competitions. "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (09 December 1994)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #48 Sandy Petersen (09 December 1994)
Kralorelan (pre)history (Nils Weinander) (09 December 1994)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #44 Sandy Petersen (09 December 1994)
Re: more sandy Sandy Petersen (09 December 1994)
Kralorelan history (Nils Weinander) (08 December 1994)
A Hello to Sandy... "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (08 December 1994)
Re: Sandy's back, at least temporarily (07 December 1994)
Mysticism in Kralorela Alex Ferguson (05 December 1994)
My Kralorelan names (Nils Weinander) (02 December 1994)
Divers Threads "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (01 December 1994)
Re: Glorantha Digest V1 #30 Sven *Erik Sievrin (30 November 1994)
Kralorelan mysticism (Nils Weinander) (30 November 1994)
Ghosts, Basmoli......... & Basmoli (30 November 1994)
Re: Mysticism in Kralorela (David Cake) (29 November 1994)
Mythologically Correct Thread... "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (29 November 1994)
Mysticism in Kralorela "R. Andrew Bean" (29 November 1994)
Re: Rice Mother Loren Miller (29 November 1994)
Who Killed Basmol Nick Brooke (29 November 1994)
Again and again (Nils Weinander) (29 November 1994)
Lions of Carmania Nick Brooke (29 November 1994)
A little word for nick... "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (28 November 1994)
Dendara and Gorgorma "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (28 November 1994)
Teshnos & Kralorela (Nils Weinander) (28 November 1994)
Re: Kralorelan Dendara David Dunham (via RadioMail) (27 November 1994)
The Origins of Gorgorma "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (26 November 1994)
House of Straw Nick Brooke (26 November 1994)
Folktale (Nils Weinander) (25 November 1994)
Re: Wisents Sandy Petersen (25 November 1994)
Enlighten me (part 2) a2230798@athena.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE (24 November 1994)
The man who mistook Somash for Solf "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (24 November 1994)
Teshnan deities (Nils Weinander) (23 November 1994)
dendara and crocociles "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (23 November 1994)
Teshnan Gorgoma ? a2230798@athena.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE (22 November 1994)
Sheng and squabbling Orlanthi... "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (21 November 1994)
Sheng Says... Nick Brooke (20 November 1994)
Monks, Malign Earth, Divination and Magic "Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty" (19 November 1994)
Re: Rokari Celibacy Sandy Petersen (18 November 1994)
Kralorela Peter Metcalfe (06 April 1994)